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Accelerating the pace of machine learning

Machine learning happens a lot like erosion. Data is hurled at a mathematical model like grains of sand skittering across a rocky landscape. Some of those grains simply sail along with little or no impact. But some of them make their mark: testing, hardening, and ultimately reshaping the landscape according to inherent patterns and fluctuations […]


Bristol scientists develop insect-sized flying robots with flapping wings

A University of Bristol team has created a new driving system for flapping-wing autonomous robots, which uses an electromechanical zipping mechanism that eliminates the need for conventional motors and gears. This new advance, published today in the journal Science Robotics, could pave the way for smaller, lighter and more effective micro flying robots for environmental monitoring, […]

Research Research Research Research Technology

Understanding the 3D world using 2D images with the help of AI

Researchers have developed a new technique, called MonoCon, that improves the ability of artificial intelligence (AI) programs to identify three-dimensional (3D) objects, and how those objects relate to each other in space, using two-dimensional (2D) images. For example, the work would help the AI used in autonomous vehicles navigate in relation to other vehicles using […]


Seeking a way of preventing audio models for AI machine learning from being fooled

Warnings have emerged about the unreliability of the metrics used to detect whether an audio perturbation designed to fool AI models can be perceived by humans Researchers at the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country show that the distortion metrics used to detect intentional perturbations in audio signals are not a reliable measure of human perception, […]