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+1 -800-456-478-23

Dedicated for the tasks​

We have named our Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Orca taken from a whale name. Our autonomy has been implemented and tested on this hardware which has the minimums possible for our sophisticated research and software upgrade purposes. 


At the current stage Orca has been developed based on Bluerobotics BlueRov2 vehicle to achieve agility on software development. Our engineers have made the required designs to add the required changes which made Orca to contain all the hardware below integrated within the vehicle:


  • Control system
  • Control computer module
  • Power source
  • AI compute module
  • Radar sensor
  • DVL sensor 
  • High Quality 1080p recording camera
  • High quality AI-ready camera
  • Vehicle attitude controller

This design is modular so that our team can remove or add the possible modules for each mission and technical tests accordingly. Successful tests have been done already with the current setup up to 60 meters deep and within 300m radius from the launching point.